Thursday, October 30, 2008

How the Giants beat the Steelers

It was touch and go for a little while there, but then Justin put on the Pabst Blue Ribbon hat, and Ta-Da, the Giants took the lead. We now house the aforementioned hat in a reliquary.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Something really weird

So, Brandy dragged me to this performance of the Discount Cruise to Hell, and all I can really say is, wtf? They are playing Halloween night at the Hammer Museum if you're interested...

DJ Stretch Armstrong

So Adrian spun at two different venues, which was pretty cool, but here he is photographing some enormous fly that landed in his Korean BBQ at around 3 in the morning.


Elle a chaud au cul.


In LA, they have penguins at Octoberfest. I don't know why, that's just how it is. At least I thought I saw a penguin.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Problem with LA

Everybody's so goddamn restrained and camera shy...

This was an interesting instance- We were at an after-hours spot (Thai food joint selling beer in coffee mugs, and lousy karaoke) off Hollywood. Out front, the guy in the background had been tossed out for ALLEGEDLY (my favorite new LA word) getting rough with a lady inside. He kept hanging around, all sunglasses on the back of his head, trying to get back in, but the bouncers weren't having it. Anyhow, we struck up a conversation with this lady...

Ooh la la, tres bien ensemble, Michelle. Where to begin? She's got a kind of "tongue in cheek Russian military cum super hero who hasn't quite gotten down color coordination because the 80's Madonna and Flashdance reruns she caught back home were on an old black and white tv" look, but she was just able to squint out that the bra needs to go ON TOP of the leotard. Best part, leaving her house, with one last look in the mirror, she grabbed the leopard print scarf off a nearby lamp, and said, "Voila, there's the dose of sassy I was looking for.."

Things started to get a little risque out here in the middle of the street, between the roving hands and her particular brand of gymnastics on the awning poles that the bouncers didn't see the humor in her use of, so, what left to do but...

Boo-yah! Lay yourself out on the clean clean sidewalks of Hollywood Blvd and show off those Moccassins!

And of course, for some dessert, some video... Once the ladies figure out it's video, and not still photography, our new friend takes matters into her own hands, shoves Brandy and Paige out of the way and gets down to it.

Summer has left for Italy

I found these people in the back of my van and they refused to leave. Ok fine.

Nick Naddeo and his celebrity crush Lance Armstrong having a moment in LA

Some feedback please

Anybody got any particular thoughts on what's running through Biden's head at these moments? Please do share.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kicked out of the first joint, but escaped with two stern warnings at the second...

So, Yeah, it was one of THOSE nights. Started off pretty innocently enough with drinks at Kira's (upper right) house where I was introduced to the latest drink fad, "The Skinny Bitch". All it is really, is just a diet coke and vanilla vodka, but apparently, here in LA, it's the new Cosmo. (Tell all your friends, be the first one on your block to bring one home) More than a couple of skinny bitches later, we (all seven of us) piled into my station wagon (I'm telling you, the chicks really dig station wagons, it must be some kind of inner latent suburban mom recessive gene that all females carry) and headed over to some comedy club where we had comp passes.
Here's the tame and composed part of the crew, at the bar where the more rowdy members of our party managed to be refused service before even getting into the main room for the act. It led to some raised voices and a brief incident involving the shoving of a glass rack, but nothing too substantial...
Of course, this scrutiny and malicious treatment extended into the main auditorium where we (or should I say, certain members of our party) were warned once or twice about volume and responses to the comedian on stage, resulting in our early departure, avec multiple security guard escort, from the premises.
I stayed behind to deal with management and our bill. And then, had the pleasure of dealing with LAPD, while everybody else either dove headfirst into bushes or attempted to restrain wildly flailing purse spikers. Side note here, it was a sight to be seen, I'm not kidding this chick was indisciriminantly batting her purse around like a grandma of 12 on a family vacation, best of all was her TO impersonation in the end zone. But I digress, seeing as I had steered away from the copious amounts of "Skinny Bitches" being poured that evening, I was the obvious choice for the job of maintaining some kind of composure.

Fast forward to this, us outside discussing where to go next, and whether there were biased actions perpetrated on us because there was some girl on girl kissy action taking place amongst our ranks ala the recent Texas, I kissed a girl and I liked it scandal. Personally, I'm of the belief that it was just a classic case of overreaction on the part of the management. No harm, no foul.

In all fairness however, we may have been a touch rowdy. This gal sure loves her some "Skinny Bitches" I tell you what...

Here we are, kicking it at our next location where the combination of volume, attrocious language, and lewd and lachivous dancing on tabletops and windowsills led to some more appeals of, "Hey come on guys, you've really gotta cut that out"

Nota bene: dancing on table tops in heels also leads to some absolutely spectacular ass plants...

It was a fun crew though, and I couldn't decide whether we looked more like an ipod ad or an episode of Latina def comedy jam.

As an encore, the ladies decided to all leave the restaurant wearing napkins on their heads. I found one in my car the next morning.
But wait, there's more- As an added bonus, back at Kira's house, after most people left, some impromtu belly dancing lessons began to take place. This is the pg-13 version, it soon degenerated into rap video rump shaking. I can't show you that one if I ever expect to get invited back.

Tom Otterness

This guy, Tom Otterness, is one of my favorite sculptors. I first caught onto his stuff while I was in High School on the Lower West Side of Manhattan because he was commissioned to do what I think is one of the best civic sculpture parks I've ever seen. It's called "the real world". I'm not even going to begin to entertain notions of discussing the stupid tv show by the same name, so just wipe that crap out of your mind. Anyhow, for those of you still with me now that MTV isn't in the mix, if you have the ability, walk west on Chambers St. in Manhattan (pretty easy, find the Brooklyn Bridge, go West) and head to Battery Park City, where this amazing installation still resides. One of these days, I'll get photos, but do yourselves a favor and check it out.
Here's the best part, Fast forward about six years, imagine yourself down in D.U.M.B.O. (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) actually, before it was really even called that, living in an old paper factory, trying to make a short film to get into Tisch at NYU while working at a struggling film studio down there- March your ass into Tom Otterness' studio, conveniently located right there on the top floor of an old factory building, tell the guy why you admire his stuff and that you'd like to get access to the roof to shoot some scenes for the film you're trying to do...
Now, I've met with famous artists before, and usually unfortunately they end up dissappointing. This guy though, took time to hear my little request, stopped what he was doing, tried to talk me out of it, and then had two of his assistants escort me up to the roof to make sure nobody got killed, all the while saying, I sanction absolutely none of this, but if you're going to do it, I wanna make sure nobody gets hurt. This guy is all kindsa cool in my book. Check him out- Tom Otterness