Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Food Trucks

So, there are a couple of things at play here. First, there's the food truck craze that's been sweeping the Nation for the past year and a half or so, which is, admittedly, the reason for the post, right? NO, WRONG. It's not about the craze and the hype, it's about the food. Yeah, maybe there's all sorts of comradery on line, and girls in short skirts, and celebrities and whatnot...

but who really cares about that? It doesn't really get me my spicy chicken taco any faster, now does it? So anyway, there's the original Kogi truck which has a twitter feed and hour long lines, while people go chasing after it all over LA like their favorite coke dealer-

And then there's BullKogi, the impostor, or new kid on the block, depending on how you view it. The marketing behind all this is not so much genius, as it is perfectly timed, for all the bullshit hipster hype of the current Mega-Generation. I say Mega-Generation because it occurs to me, that there aren't generations lately so much as an amorphous glob of unmarried, unchilded, afterschool 20, 30, and yes, even 40 somethings, that drag around LA looking for inexpensive, cool things to do. (Not that I really have any problem with that as a plan, mind you). But so anyway, back to what was, mildly, a point, I got to try BullKogi today since I categorically refuse to track down some food truck, drive 20 minutes or more to get there and then stand on line for an hour or more. In the immortal, yet timely, words of my father, "Fuck that bullshit, leave it for the morons from Queens".
So, TA-DA, Bullkogi it is. One chicken, one beef, and one pork taco later, I have to report, a solid, "Pretty Good" I'd go back, but I wouldn't stand on any line. The Yamashiro tacos at their Thursday Evening Farm Stand though, now those I'd stand in line for...

Of Course, when it comes to food trucks I need to try, first in line is Lucky J's Chicken and Waffles. This guy's been blowing up all over the Austin scene, even making network morning TV shows. Most important, Lucky J is my High School Buddy from Brooklyn, and I still need to get one of his awesome T-Shirts...


abredro said...

Looks like taco bell was standing in that line.


JayRome FinnAgain said...

"Mega-generation" is spot on...re: vocation, you may have missed your calling.