Sunday, January 13, 2008

Picture of the place with the cool Bathrooms

OK, OK. Due to popular demand, here's an overall shot of the place from an earlier post that had the cool bathrooms. Yes it's from the outside, and yes it's not the bathrooms themselves, and yes it's sideways, but Shut Up Shephathiah, when you figure out how to rotate pictures on Blogspot you can take issue with me, but until then, SHUT IT! Anyhow, they do have a pretty cool skylight feature in addition to the visible/not visible bathrooms which frankly aren't as cool as the main room anyway, and this is it, so just turn your computer or your head sideways and imagine. Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I posted sideways photos when I had my Japan blog going, so I guess I should shut it. Or spend the rest of my work day figuring out how to right such a wrong.

sefatia said...

OK. So I just looked at my old blog. I have all kinds of sideways photos and ZERO clue as to how to rectify the situation. Carry on... You do need to get out of the five boroughs, though.