Friday, July 11, 2008

Route 66

I was driving around on Santa Monica the other day, or should I say, sitting in traffic, when I looked up and saw this sign for the old Route 66. It got me to thinking, I'm not really traveling anymore. I'm pretty much living here in LA, sorta. I don't have a job yet, but that kind of makes the whole LA experience that much more authentic.


Anonymous said...

So is that where you plan to stay? Authentic NYC guy living in LA? Isn't that one of the seven signs? - Shephathiah

Jared said...

I don't know how Authentic an NYC guy I am, I haven't lived there for over six or seven years. Isn't that how long they say it takes to become a new yorker? How long does it take to unbecome one?

Anonymous said...

I feel like I've told you this before, I don't think you can "become" a New Yorker so I don't think you can undo being a New Yorker. People who say something is "so New York" usually mean it's "so" like something they saw on Sex and the City. You're a New Yorker, embrace it.
- Shephathiah