Friday, July 11, 2008

Tilly and the Wall

So, Trish to the rescue again! We met up with her friend Sarah, had dinner at a good local place called 15, had a mediocre bottle of Cali Cab (my fault, I picked it out) a tuna tartare app that should have been good, but was totally overloaded with truffle oil (WHY?) My Pork Loin medallions were yummy, Trish's Short ribs were very tasty, and Sarah's Seared scallops were damned good. Then off to Echoplex to hear Tilly & the Wall, who according to Stephen Gossett of Flavorpill magazine, "Despite two albums of joyous indie pop, Omaha's Tilly & the Wall will likely always be known as "that band with a tap dancer instead of a drummer" — although, if you didn't know otherwise, you'd swear it was a Phil Spector mix of timpani and castanets." and, "between the boundless enthusiasm and mass of glockenspiel, brass, and strings, few can match Tilly's whimsical take on personal heartache and euphoric live show. "


Anonymous said...

can you please post your video of kianna crowd surfing on youtube? I put her back down on the stage! best concert of my life.

Jared said...

You got it. It's in under HouseOfValentine as Tilly and the Wall.