Monday, June 15, 2009

Singing Sadie

Sing a little ditty with Sadie, the all singing all dancing queen of the burgeoning underground show tunes scene. Her songs hark back to the war years, a simpler time, when singing prowess was often overlooked. Sadie, instead of that talent crap, favors sharp and biting lyrics centred on drinking, dancing, and prostitutes long passed their used by date. All sung and danced with all the skill and execution of Florence Foster Jenkins. Sadie left her song and dance lessons at age 12 to find work in the industry way ahead of her peers. In response to criticism at the time, she was quoted as saying 'They don't know a fucking thing about music anyway' Although purported, there is scant evidence that she actually accused anyone of being a "stupid whore", though. As rumour has it, after a tinkle on the bar tab she is likely to do splits, show her underclothes more than once, and high kick unsuspecting audience members in the head.

“This Australian one-woman-show sings in an out-of-control voice that doesn't always hit the "right" notes (but they're usually close enough) humorously dirty lyrics over old big-band records. And then, maybe half-way thru each tune...she tap dances. Well, she tries. It's kind of the dancing equivalent of her singing, like someone randomly dropping silverware on a hard floor.” – WMFU.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I own all her stuff. She is amazing. I wish she'd have some more stuff out though!