Monday, June 1, 2009

Stuff I liked recently, in no particular order....

These guys, singing their smash hit, I hate bein' broke, but I hate workin' more...

Larry here, taking me through a beer tasting. Some really great beers. And it reminded me to take it easy when teaching people about wine. Larry really took his time explaining things to me, and was kind enough to go out of his way to pull a couple beers from neighboring tables for me to try. It was a really pleasant learning experience, I hope to remember to be as patient as he was.

Kurt Vonnegut look-alikes, doing stand up routines involving people in duck costumes

Seeing some good friends I haven't seen in years.

Strange artwork that challenges my thought process. I mean, have you ever thought of what it might look like to desire an apple and what that connection to your hand might look like? Of course not, me neither...

Drinking stupidly expensive champagne for free.

walls made out of silk screened red brick on newspaper

Strange taxidermied mythical creatures

Metro Mosaics.

Traditional New Orleans Jazz Funerals (Second Lines) in Chinatown.

Chinatown in general.

Girls wearing pretty red shoes.

High brow disguised as low brow disguised as high brow. Contemporary art that's really just a somewhat hidden painting of a porn still.

Beautiful acrobats

Members only jackets and Spoilers on a Dodge Neon

Obama winning the election

And of course, back by popular demand, a thoroughly embarrassed Brandy.


BrandMuffin said...

I don't know why I torture myself looking at this

Jared said...

Torture yourself? You mean with my Awesomeness?

BrandMuffin said...

Yes your awesomeness what else?

BrandMuffin said...

And where am I in all of this? Or have been striken off the Jared fun list forever?

Jared said...

of course not. Forever is a really long time.