Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Hidden Hot Tub

So after coming down the mountain, entirely out of bounds, we I came to a hidden kind of pass and this really cute looking fairy tale house. It was one of those "huh" moments, almost like Deja Vu, when you just know you've gotta check this place out. So I snooped around, no one was home, and I got the impression it was a rental. Best of all, the had the hot tub running with a cover on it. I've been trying to get some people to go back with me to sneak a soak, but so far, no takers. Can you believe it? What a wasted opportunity! I may just have to go all by myself. Kinda takes the fun out of it though...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm such a nerd loser. My first reaction to this story is that it is such a waste of electricity.
- Shephathiah