Monday, January 7, 2008

The hard part for me is trying to decide where the roadtrip actually begins. Is it cheating to count my Sister Abbie's place in Brooklyn? I kinda don't think so, I think it counts. Besides, Abbie told me the other day that I'm no longer a New Yorker, and I'm pretty much required to hand in my credentials. It's sorta true, too. Well great, fine by me, I get to walk slowly and look up at the tall buildings, and take pictures...


Anonymous said...

Tell Abbie hi. My feeling is, if you were born in NYC and went to school in NYC, you are forever a New Yorker. If time away from the city can take that from you then time in the city can give it to you. And I refuse to ever call these imports New Yorkers. Including my mother.

Jared said...

I think that if you are going to do a travel blog you really need to go
somewhere first...Long Island to Brooklyn doesn't even involve a water
crossing...its still geographically Long Island.

Most of the country will always call you a New Yorker. They might not
it, but it's a label you are stuck with.

Anonymous said...

What's travel without a beginning? Stephen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jer,

No response upon attempt to read your travel log.

So please fix it and write some regular old emails in any case.

My first guess is that you started with Baltimore. But almost nobody
starts with Baltimore, so that's probably wrong.
