Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Um, Yeah, even I think kids can be cute sometimes..

Right. So I, like you, have had to sit through one of those terribly awful, ugly, painfully excruciating moments when you've gotta listen, in detail, about how some kid did the most unbelievably cute thing, while all you want to do is run off in the opposite direction towards un-PG activities, BUT, this one was just stellar. We walked into a room at the MOMA, silent as silent can be, when this little one starts chanting Van Gough! Van Gough! Van Gough! I am not kidding you. I would've been impressed if she got her ABC's straight (and yes, the obvious allusions to some of my past girlfriends has not escaped me, thanks) but this little one knows her Starry Night. Color me Impressed!

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