This is the spot that had Guiness on tap. As a side note, West Coasters don't seem to honor the Buy Back policy known and beloved by East Coasters on your 4th beer. As luck would have it, I chilled with an NJ native Josh, cool guy btw, who backed me on it and knew the staff and ensured I was given proper East Coast treatment.
As for the rest, I can't claim, nor do I really want, to be a connoisseur of karaoke, but if American Idol has taught us nothing, (And it just may have accomplished it's goal to do just that) we're all judges. It is with great regret that I must report, tonight, Total Eclipse of the Heart was massacred. I don't say this lightly, cause I need you now tonight, and I need you more than ever, but dear reader, total eclipse of the heart is my one 80's song that transcends the "It's so bad it's good" into the, yeah, I can openly admit I like that song unless I'm at a football game, and it was so totally wronged tonight that it gives me pause. It was unholy horror... a sad, sad day. OK, OK, vast emptiness, nothing holy, but must you beat the hell out of that song like that? Aren't there charitable organizations to prevent this sort of thing? Fuck PETA and Greenpeace, there oughta be something to prevent this kind of travesty from happening ever, ever, again. Yet it goes on, unnoticed, night after night in our nation's taverns and homes, please help prevent this crime against humanity, only you can help.
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