Things aren't always as cut and dry, and technically planned out as you might suppose at a Banana Daiquiri Seance. I mean, yeah sure, it's not all that complicated, you've got to somehow "appeal" to the Daiquiri Guru through feats of strength or other forms of obeisance, and then you get a Banana Daiquiri. But on this particular evening, it wasn't as easy as a quick tap dance. Oh, no.
For instance, here we have Jesus and his pals trying out their new cheerleading routine and patented human pyramid finale; but was the Daiquiri Guru impressed? Not so much. That kinda crap might cut it in the sticks, but here in the Big City, we need a little more. No daiquiri for you guys.
This young lady here, left disappointed after her failure to score a frosty beverage. "What kind of shit is that? I take an evening off from the coliseum, haul my ass down here to Chinatown, kill a lion and maim a few gladiators in front of this guy, and what do I get to show for it? Bupkiss, that's what. Screw this, I'm swinging by Starbucks."
But then, in a cruel twist of fate, you get hipsters like this guy, who non-chalantly stroll on up with a banana tie like they own the joint, and with a knowing wink, the Guru just lays one on them.
1 comment:
Not sure I get it. What the fuck are you doing out there?
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